Broadsides collection

Hanington's Grand Moving Dioramas
William J. Hanington produced many moving dioramas between 1832 and 1856. This broadside advertised a feature on "General Houston's Glorious Victory." (A diorama, sometimes called a moving panorama, consisted of multiple canvas paintings sewn together and attached at either end to a vertical roller. The action would unfold as the large canvas was wound from one roller to another.), BC OB 1836-1839, Texas History, Focus on Texas history
Important from Texas
The main article of this broadside recounts the death of James Fannin at Goliad., BC DB 1836, Texas History, Focus on Texas history
Inauguration Ball: Third Year of Independence
Invitation to the inaugural ball of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, elected president of the Republic of Texas in 1838. Lamar served as vice president in Sam Houston's first administration., BC DB 1838-1839, Texas History, Focus on Texas history
Invitation to Gen. Houston's Ball
An invitation to a ball in honor of General Sam Houston. Though out of office during this period, Houston remained popular. He would run again for office in 1841 and win., BC DB 1838-1839, Texas History, Focus on Texas history
Land in the Nashville Company
After receiving his empresario contract for the Nashville Colony, Sterling C. Robertson issued this broadside encouraging settlement in the colony. The broadside includes transcriptions of Robertson's claims to the colony prior to his receiving the contract., BC OB 1830-1835, Texas History, Focus on Texas history