Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection

Ed Prather and Frank Cullinan Interview
Ed Prather discusses notable personalities in early days of oil production in Texas, and development of different oil companies., Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection, 2A11, American Energy Industry, Texas History, Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection
Ed Prather Interview
Ed Prather discusses experiences in the East Texas boom days including personalities in the oil industry., Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection, 2A18, American Energy Industry, Texas History, Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection
F. G. Swanson Interview
Reel 167: F. G. Swanson reminisces about experiences in the oil industry in Burkburnett and Wichita Falls, Texas including Swindles., Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection, 2A19, Reel 167, American Energy Industry, Texas History, Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection
Fain Gillock Interview
Fain Gillock discusses the history of wildcatters in the Texas oil industry, small oil companies versus large oil companies, and the Wildcatters Cong., Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection, 2A12, American Energy Industry, Texas History, Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection
Fanny M. Andrews
Reel 194: Fanny M. Andrews discusses the participation of the University of Texas in the Texas oil boom., Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection, 2A22, Reel 194, American Energy Industry, Texas History, Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection
Frank Cullinan Interview
Frank Cullinan discusses experiences in the oil industry at Spindletop, Batson and Sour Lake, Texas., Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection, 2A18, American Energy Industry, Texas History, Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection
Frank Dunn Interview
Frank Dunn discusses expereineces in the early oil industry in Spindletop, Batson, Sour Lake, Humble, Beaumont, and Gladys City, Texas., Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection, 2A19, American Energy Industry, Texas History, Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection
Frank Hamilton Interview
Frank Hamilton discussing the Texas Co., the Shoestring District, Sour Lake in 1904, among other oil industry topics. Hamilton continues the discussion of oil industry experiences, including oil wells and early conditions in the oil fields., Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection, 2A4, American Energy Industry, Texas History, Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection
Frank Redman Interview
Reel 113: Frank Redman discusses his experiences in Spindletop and Beaumont, Texas., Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection, 2A14, Reel 113, American Energy Industry, Texas History, Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection
Fred Jennings Interview
Reel 2: Jennings discusses experiences in Goose Creek, the differences between day diggers and night diggers, songs, nicknames, mosquitoes, and the flu., Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection, 2A1, Reel 2, American Energy Industry, Texas History, Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection
G. A. Humason Interview
Reel 102: G. A. Humason discusses the invention of roller rock bit and other drilling devices., Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection, 2A13, Reel 102, American Energy Industry, Texas History, Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection
George Walker Weller Interview
George Walker Weller, merchant, discusses business during the oil boom in Beaumont, Texas. He then discusses a fortune teller advising oil deals in Beaumont, Texas., Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection, 2A14, American Energy Industry, Texas History, Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection
Glenn H. McCarthy Interview
Reel 124: Glenn H. McCarthy discusses the oil industry at Spindletop, Texas., Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection, 2A15, Reel 124, American Energy Industry, Texas History, Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection
Guy Crosson Interview
Reel 202: Guy Crosson interview part 1 of 1. Crosson discusses experiences in the oil boom in Seminole, Texas and Fittstown, Oklahoma., Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection, 2A23, Reel 202, American Energy Industry, Texas History, Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection
Guy Finley and Mrs. Finley Interview
Reel 182: Guy Finley and Mrs. Finley reminisce about experiences in the Texas oil boom including "The Boy with the X-ray Eye.", Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection, 2A21, Reel 182, American Energy Industry, Texas History, Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection
H. A. Rathke Interview
H. A. Rathke discusses experiences in the early oil industry, including at Spindletop, Batson, Electra, Saratoga, and Burkburnett, Texas areas., Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection, 2A16, American Energy Industry, Texas History, Oral history of the Texas oil industry collection