[Tape 2 of two, Side B.] CS: But during most of that time, I also was--teaching courses for--at the University of Houston Continuing Ed, Rice University, lecturing at A&M, here and there. You know, people ask me to do these kinds of things at--oh, the Nature Center around Houston, on wild edible plants and southeast Texas ecology. That sort of thing and--the Audubon Society offered me their directorship and--at a time they were without a director and it was actually--I took an early retirement from the ministry and it was a very easy move for me 'cause I'd been doing so much of this other, it really was--as much as--an avocation, vocation--you know, I was--I was involved with all that so much. And, I just feel a real ministry in--in the kind of work I--I have done since then. It's people--people, I--I feel, are the primary focus of--of God's world, but people and nature are so co-joined. We're made of the dust of--of the ground and to dust we will return. We're dust--dust we are because we have within us the same molecules that are in the rocks, and the soil itself.