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1987 Brooks 12 D.S. [Report on Peace Corps, with guest Sargent Shriver]; 1987 Brooks 12 D.S. [Report on Peace Corps, with guest Sargent Shriver]
7160 Brooks, Spot-1, 14 60; 7160 Brooks, Spot-1, 14 60
799 Brooks Positive; 799 Brooks Positive
Brooks, 9th Dist.; Brooks, 9th Dist.
Brooks Aus Puts [Campaign Ads]; Brooks Aus Puts [Campaign Ads]
Brooks Family; "Brooks Family"
Constituents and Office; Constituents and Office
Flag Day; Flag Day
The Mercury Project “Space”; The Mercury Project “Space”
Orig Master Spot “C”, p-1252; Orig Master Spot “C”, p-1252
Photocopy of a $25.00 check ¥to the Contras¥ from constituent McGlynn, August 14, 1987
Photocopy of book jacket Assault on the Liberty by James M. Ennes, Jr., undated