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(1 - 20 of 23)
5 Min. Campaign Film for 1964 Senate Race. Testimonials For [From] JFK and LBJ.; 5 Min. Campaign Film for 1964 Senate Race. Testimonials For [From] JFK and LBJ.
[Barry Goldwater]
Extremism in American politics
"Fear on Trial"
Gonzales Report [Civil Rights Act of 1964]; Ralph Yarborough 5 min [Campaign Film for 1964 Senate Race] #2
Handwritten notes regarding goals of the subcomittee investigating James Hoffa allegations, [1964]
Hubert Humphrey and Lyndon Johnson
LBJ: Ladybird on whistle-stop tour of the south
Let's back Johnson
Lift U.T. up from liberalism
Lyndon and Ladybird Johnson
Mississippi, Summer, 1964
National Democratic Convention, 1964
President Lyndon Johnson inauguration
President Lyndon Johnson inauguration
President Lyndon Johnson inauguration
Protest wade-in, St. Augustine, Fla.
Ralph Yarborough 5 min [Campaign Film for 1964 Senate Race] #2
"Re-elect Ralph Yarborough U.S. Senator, he has earned a second term"
SDS booth