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(21 - 40 of 334)
Clipping from unknown source: "Off-Campus Houses Move To Integrate"
Clipping from unknown source: "One Negro Unit Votes to Affiliate"
Clipping from unknown source: "Regents Order Complete UT Desegregation: Dorms, Personnel at All University Units Included"
Clipping from unknown source: "Suit To Integrate UofT Dormitories To Be Filed"
Clipping: "Negroes at U.T. Plan Suit Against Housing Policy"
Clippings from the Houston Post, the San Antonio Express, and the Corpus Christi Caller
Committee on Minority Groups letter
Committee on Minority Groups letter and interim report
Complete Integration of the University; Equal Employment Policy
Confidential Memorandum Concerning the Participation of "Negro" Students in Intercollegiate Athletics – by Logan Wilson
Confidential memorandum on integration problems at the University
Copy of Letter from Hardie to Olian
Copy of letter from Mr. Tom Sealy, former Chairman of the Board of Regents to Miss Nancy McMeans
Copy of Maurice Olian's letter to Thornton Hardie
Copy of reply letter from Harry Ransom to Professor Gideon Sjoberg
Copy of text of the resolution of the "Negro" women of the University of Texas
Correspondence and Survey regarding Black enrollment at UT
Correspondence between Julian Montgomery to Dr. Harry Ransom regarding the recent "agitations" on campus
Correspondence between Logan Wilson to Dr. Ira Iscoe
Correspondence between Norman Hackerman and Ray Lowry, Capitol Tax Letter