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(1 - 20 of 164)
Additional Views of Hon. John N. Erlenborn and Hon. John W. Wydler, undated
Annotated draft of press release, September 23, 1964
Annotated statement, 1965
Annotated statement regarding Richard Nixon's noncompliance with subpeonas requesting White House tapes, undated
Answers to charges concerning the President's personal finances, December 8, 1973
Biographical Sketch of Congressman Jack Brooks, Second District of Texas, undated
Brooks' architect and engineer bill gains House committee approval, June 14, 1972
Brooks architect/engineer selection bill approved by Congress, news release, October 14, 1972
Brooks bill extends historical document preservation program, June 29, 1972
Brooks bill would reauthorize Independent Counsel statute, February 4, 1993
Brooks introduces legislation to improve federal policymaking regarding computers, February 17, 1972
Brooks introduces President's Immigration Initiative to speed up deportation proceedings, August 3, 1993
Brooks proposes Department of Health, March 29, 1972
Brooks urges protection to public from radioactive material shipments, June 28, 1972
Congressman Peter W. Rodino announces the results of the January 24 meeting of the Judiciary Committee's Advisory Committee on its impeachment inquiry, January 24, 1974
Copy of Statement by Arthur F. Sampson, March 23, 1974
Declaration of Democratic Support, undated
Draft -- Additional Views of Congressman Jack Brooks, August 5, 1974
Draft - May 15, 1973, (To be used if President signs OMB bill into law)
Draft - May 15, 1973 (To be used if President vetoes OMB bill)