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(201 - 219 of 219)
"UT students, professors criticize Cunningham's corporate alliances"
"UT System Complies with Law on Open Meetings"
"UTSA philanthropist tops himself"
"Veteran senator takes new turn as UT's lawyer"
"Vocational Training -- an escape hatch to no jobs"
"Waco Man Advancing into World of Profits"
"Waco's Marxist-Raised Insurance Tycoon"
"Who Were The Protestors?"
"Wilson Seeks Funds for Utility Rate Probe"
"With a rags-to-riches life, generous UT regent never forgets socialist roots"
"Without billboards"
"Woes beset Houston mayor old, new troubles haunt 'young Fred'"
"Words Fly in Contest for Attorney General"
"Yarborough Dedicates Scenic Area in Thicket"
"Yarborough Easy Victor in Democratic Landslide"
"Yarborough to Try Again for Governor"
"Yudof makes his mark at University of Minnesota"
"Yudof named executive vice president, provost at UT"
"Zale's Elects Officers as Founding Brothers Retire"