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1968 Assay Commission
1968 Assay Commission
[1968 Assay Commisson: Left side: Louis C. Goad, Miss Eva Adams, [?], Marion Yeoman, Don Brown, [?], Virginia Culver, [?], [?], Grace Downing, [?], Clare Lieberman, [?], Sidney W. Smith, [?], P. J. Maguire, Right side, front to back: M. B. Wallenstein, R.
Aerial photograph
Aerial photograph
Alice L. S. Baker (87), 'Thought you might like to see what the 'old lady' looked like
Andy Gleason, Joe Eachus, two Leiblers
Backyard wall
Bill Wary, outdoors
Bob Greenwood as sandwich board man
Bob Greenwood, Lois Stoneham, Frank Wright, Bob Freeman
Boeing Airplane Company, Summer Faculty Program
Canadian Mathematical Congress Seminar, 1963
CNA [Center for Numerical Analysis] XMAS luncheon
Committee on Computation Center Development
Dr. Bob Greenwood, Master of Ceremonies
French Legation
French Legation
Greenwood and Finch granddaughters of the late William Montgomery Greenwood
[Greenwood's Meritons Award]:  Rose Marie's husband [Charles], Robert E. Greenwood, Rose Marie's father