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Bernard Rapoport speaking at event with Ralph and Opal Yarborough
Introduction of Ralph Yarborough by Jack Brooks, April 23, 1966
Introduction of Senator Ralph Yarborough by Congressman Jack Brooks, Yarborough appreciation dinner, July 23, 1964, Beaumont
Letter from Archer Fullingim to Jack Brooks, undated
Letter from Jack Brooks to Ralph Yarborough, July 10, 1989
Letter from Ralph Yarborough on behalf of John F. Kennedy campaign
Letter from Ralph Yarborough regarding election results
Letter from Ralph Yarborough to Bernard Rapoport
Letter from Ralph Yarborough to Hubert Humphrey and Edmund Muskie
Letter from Ralph Yarborough to Jack Brooks, June 8, 1989
Letter from Ralph Yarborough to Jack Brooks, May 16, 1977
Letter from Ralph Yarborough to Jack Brooks, November 8, 1968
Letter from Ralph Yarborough to Tom Foley, June 8, 1989
Letter to Bernard Rapoport from Ralph W. Yarborough
Letter to Bernard Rapoport from Ralph Yarborough
Newsletter from U.S. Senator Ralph W. Yarborough
Press release of Ralph Yarborough's statement on the floor of the U.S. Senate
Telegram from Ralph Yarborough to Bernard Rapoport
Transcript of Ralph Yarborough's speech at Business Executives Move for Vietnam Peace event