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"A Proposal for a Planning Conference" by Reuben McDaniel for the African and Afro-American Studies and Research Center
"A Proposal for a Planning Conference" by Reuben McDaniel for the African and Afro-American Studies and Research Center
An abridged history of UT racial intolerance, unknown source, Summer 1990
Administrative Confidential Message regarding attached report, undated
Affirmative Action Statement; Equal Employment Policy; Complete Integration of the University
Afro-Americans for Black Liberation
Application for Public Assembly or Demonstration to the UT Austin Student Activities Office – Includes sketch of map of planned rally/march
Article from unknown source: "Integration Subject of Panel Discussion"
Article from unknown source: "UT report: Minority policies need reform"
Article/letter "The Firing Line" from Julián Olivares, Jr., regarding UT administration’s attitude toward minority students
Article: "Regents, Attorney General to File Separate Suit Motions," undated
Attached memo to letter to Dr. Wilson re: dispersing message to faculty/student body
Attached small yellow note: "Mr. Heath has said 'Hold This' – No need for a quick answer", undated
Attached statistics to Miles Schulze's letter to UT President Norman Hackerman
Austin American-Statesman article: "Blacks offer new UT minority recruitment plan"
Austin American-Statesman: "Dean Says Housing No Issue"
Austin American-Statesman: "First Integration Steps Ordered by UT Regents: New Procedure To Begin in ‘56"
Austin American Statesman news clipping: "Rights Act Compliances Flaws Told"
Austin American-Statesman: "Plans for Integration Of Schools Speeded:  Officials Set Talks This Week"
Beginnings of the African and Afro-American Studies and Research Center