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(1 - 20 of 90)
200 ROTC protestors damage halls, windows
Afghanistan: long bloody conflict
Afghanistan: the USSR's Vietnam-like war that has become a major nightmare
Americans 'Underground' in Afghanistan
Antiwar speakers differ on strategies
The appearance of guilt, Washington Post, Monday, April 22, 1974
Article clipping from the Beaumont Enterprise sent from Congressman Charles B. Rangel, entitled ¥Report needs bipartisanship,¥ July 30, 1987
Article entitled "Phil Burton, a positive powerhouse" in the San Francisco Sunday Examiner and Chronicle, November 14, 1976
Bloom County cartoon, August 10, 1987
Bloom County cartoon, undated
Bridgforth's prosetry in spotlight
Brooks Votes For Rights Bill
Brzezinski nearly shot
C. Aubrey Smith
Clipping from the Austin American-Statesman
Clipping from the Beaumont Enterprise entitled ¥Serious chinks finally show in Reagan's armor,¥ December 21, 1986
Clipping from the Beaumont Enterprise regarding Iran-Contra scandal, July 27, 1987
Clipping from the Carver newspaper
Clipping from the Galveston Daily News
Clipping from the Texas Observer