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(1 - 20 of 221)
Annotated draft of press release, September 23, 1964
Annotated speech excerpts, July 24, 1974-July 30, 1974
Annotated statement regarding Richard Nixon's noncompliance with subpeonas requesting White House tapes, undated
Answers to possible arguments posed by minority against emoluments charge, undated
Approval of scheme authorizing commitment of unconstitutional and illegal acts
Article II, Draft, July 27, 1974
Article II, pending, Draft 3, Doar, date unclear
Biographical Sketch of Congressman Jack Brooks, Second District of Texas, undated
Brooks statement, Judiciary Committee, undated
Combined Detailed, impeachment article draft, undated
Combined General, impeachment article draft, undated
Congressman Peter W. Rodino announces the results of the January 24 meeting of the Judiciary Committee's Advisory Committee on its impeachment inquiry, January 24, 1974
Dismissal of suit on San Clemente and Key Biscayne, undated
Donald Alexander Letter, April 2, 1974
Donald Alexander Letter to the Special Prosecutor, undated
Draft -- Additional Views of Congressman Jack Brooks, August 5, 1974
Draft article of impeachment, undated
Draft Articles of Impeachment, July 1974
Draft of Statement regarding Special House Judiciary Subcommittee, July 22, 1959
Draft opening statement of Jack Brooks, Impeachment Hearing, July 24, 1974