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(41 - 60 of 103)
Handwritten notes, July 28, 1974
Handwritten notes, July 29, 1974
Handwritten notes, June 10, 1970
Handwritten notes, June 24, 194
Handwritten notes, June 25, 1974
Handwritten notes regarding impeachment investigation, undated
Handwritten notes, undated
Handwritten notes, undated
Handwritten notes, undated
Handwritten notes, undated
Handwritten notes, undated
Impeachment article assignments, undated
Impeachment inquiry procedures, Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Ninety-third Congress, second session, May 2, 1974
Impeachment Inquiry Procedures, May 1, 1974
IRS role is under scrutiny: Senate panel looks into Rebozo probe, Washington Post, April 22, 1974
Jack Brooks statement, Judiciary Committee, undated
Letter from George McGovern to Jack Brooks, August 1, 1974
Letter from Jack Brooks to members of the Judiciary Committee, July 29, 1974
Letter from James D. St. Clair to John Doar, April 9, 1974
Letter from James D. St. Clair to John Doar, dated March 13, 1974