Search results

(1 - 20 of 844)
1. David Dye; Chas. Sadi[illegible]
1. Duke
1. Martin Murray, 2. Steve Russel, and 3. Dave Kennick (Kenneck?)
1. Pat Cuney and 2. Barb Roseman
1. Pat Cuney and 2. Barb Roseman
1. Steve Krinsky
1968 Assay Commission
1968 Assay Commission
[1968 Assay Commisson: Left side: Louis C. Goad, Miss Eva Adams, [?], Marion Yeoman, Don Brown, [?], Virginia Culver, [?], [?], Grace Downing, [?], Clare Lieberman, [?], Sidney W. Smith, [?], P. J. Maguire, Right side, front to back: M. B. Wallenstein, R.
42nd Summer Meeting of the the Mathematical Organizations of America
904 W. 23rd St.
A. H. Stone
Aerial photograph
Aerial photograph
Alice L. S. Baker (87), 'Thought you might like to see what the 'old lady' looked like
Alligator Eating in the Water
Alligator Suns on Log
And One For You; Arlington Memorial Hospital's 90-year-old volunteer, "Grannie" Elder stops to kiss one of her favorite "hunks" who comes to visit her in the hospital mail and flower room as she goes about duties. She is renowned throughout the hospital f