Search results

(1 - 20 of 758)
\A Picnic with the President" sponsored by unidentified factory [T 86878]""
\A Picnic with the President" sponsored by unidentified factory [T 86878]""
\A Picnic with the President" sponsored by unidentified factory [T 86878]""
1976 Contest, includes Ford
1976 Contest, includes Ford
1976 Contest, includes Ford
1976 Contest, includes Ford
1976 Contest, includes Ford
1976 Contest, includes Ford
B&W 35mm Negatives: Various Subjects Folder 1
B&W 35mm Negatives: Various Subjects Folder 1
Barbara Bush-file, from Dallas speech [GL 117722]
Barbara Bush-file, from Dallas speech [GL 117722]
Barbara Bush-file, from Dallas speech [GL 117722]
Barbara Bush-file, from Dallas speech [GL 117722]
Baylor commencement, Truman receives honorary degree
Bill and Hillary Clinton
Bill and Hillary Clinton
Bill and Hillary Clinton  [T 156231]