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Remarks by Jack Brooks, undated
Remarks by Jack Brooks, undated
"Remarks by the President in Address to the Liz Sutherland Carpenter Distinguished Lectureship in the Humanities and Sciences"
Remarks by Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, South Texas State Fair Grounds, Beaumont, Texas, Saturday, September 28, 1963
Remarks for "Panorama" TV show, March 18, 1970
Remarks honoring Peter Rodino, March 11, 1980
Remarks of Congressman Jack Brooks, 1989 judicial conference of the Fifth and Eleventh Circuits, New Orleans, Louisiana, Tuesday, May 9, 1989
Remarks of Congressman Jack Brooks, Airline Representatives Federal Affairs Committee, Democratic Club, Washington, D.C., Wednesday, October 4, 1972, 12:00 P.M.
Remarks of Congressman Jack Brooks, American Defense Preparedness Association, National War College, Fort Mc Nair, Washington, D.C., Thursday, August 4, 1977
Remarks of Congressman Jack Brooks, April 10, 1973
Remarks of Congressman Jack Brooks, association of trial lawyers of America, Lancaster Ballroom, Savoy Hotel, London, England, Tuesday, January 17, 1989
Remarks of Congressman Jack Brooks at Judiciary Committee Hearings on the confirmation of the Honorable Gerald Ford as Vice President, Thursday, November 15, 1973
Remarks of Congressman Jack Brooks at the Federal Executive Board Seminar, January 17, 1974
Remarks of Congressman Jack Brooks before the 14th Annual MIS-EDP conference, American Management Association, Americana Hotel, New York City, Monday, March 4, 1968
Remarks of Congressman Jack Brooks before the 94th New Members Caucus, Washington, D.C., January 17, 1976
Remarks of Congressman Jack Brooks before the Economic Committee of the North Atlantic Assembly, Brussels, Belgium, Friday, May 27, 1977
Remarks of Congressman Jack Brooks before the North Atlantic Assembly Plenary Session, Paris, France, September 22, 1977
Remarks of Congressman Jack Brooks, B'nai B'rith luncheon, Galveston, Texas, Sunday, September 10, 1989
Remarks of Congressman Jack Brooks, business agents of building trades unions, Beaumont, Texas, Wednesday, October 25, 1978
Remarks of Congressman Jack Brooks, commencement exercises of the University of Texas Medical Branch, Moody Civic Center, Galveston, Texas, Saturday, May 27, 1978