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1987 Black Heritage Calendar
Bridgforth's prosetry in spotlight
Clipping from the Austin American-Statesman
Clipping from the Carver newspaper
Clipping from the Texas Observer
Copy of an article from the Dallas Times Herald
Correspondence between Ruthe Weingarten and John Manguso
Flyer and clipping for the Camp Logan play.
Handwritten note from Tom Shelter to Ruthe Weingarten with enclosed documents
Letter from Janet G. Humphrey, November 3, 1991
Newspaper clipping about the 24th Infantry Regiment.
Note about WPA Records at the National Archives
Note from Celeste Colson-Walker to Ruthe Weingarten
Notes from a talk about Camp Logan
Notes on correspondence between Mary Church Terrell and Newton D. Baker
Notes on the Houston Riot of 1917
Pamphlet for Camp Logan (A World War I Drama)
Pamphlet for Camp Logan (A World War I Drama)
Promise or betrayal; What's ahead for black neighborhoods?
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