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[Brownsville Herald letter]
Camping in Shelter Tents on General Taylors Old Camp Ground at Point Isabel, Texas
A Field Wireless in Operation, Signal Corps, U.S.A.
Las Palmas, Brownsville, Texas, the Largest Natural Palm Grove in the United States
[Letter from Earle B. Mayfield, U. S. Senator from Texas]
[letter to Runyon]
[Letter to Runyon from Elzada U. Clover]
[Letter to Runyon from Elzada U. Clover]
Lippia Cuneifolia
Palmetto Palms, Brownsville, Tex.
Ponderosa Lemons, Brownsville, Texas
Proclamation Scrap Metal Salvage
Sanvitalia procumbens Lam. Number 1371.
A Thoroughbred (Texas Long Horn) Brownsville, Tex.
U.S. Aeroplane in Flight