Search results

(1 - 20 of 1,875)
1987 Brooks 12 D.S. [Report on Peace Corps, with guest Sargent Shriver]; 1987 Brooks 12 D.S. [Report on Peace Corps, with guest Sargent Shriver]
2000 Alta Vista; 2000 Alta Vista
25th Infantry Division Tropic Lighting Poster
5 Min. Campaign Film for 1964 Senate Race. Testimonials For [From] JFK and LBJ.; 5 Min. Campaign Film for 1964 Senate Race. Testimonials For [From] JFK and LBJ.
7160 Brooks, Spot-1, 14 60; 7160 Brooks, Spot-1, 14 60
799 Brooks Positive; 799 Brooks Positive
8th Annual Bull Roast, Friday, June 9, 1989, Beaumont Hilton Hotel, "El Toro" Congressman Jack Brooks
92 St. Y New York, NY Singles Courtesy Tape; 92 St. Y New York, NY Singles Courtesy Tape
92 St. Y New York, NY Singles Courtesy Tape; 92 St. Y New York, NY Singles Courtesy Tape
"A Stellar Choice of Guest Speaker"
A&M (#1990-269), October 9, 1990
A&M (#1990-270), October 9, 1990
A&M (#1990-271), October 9, 1990
A&M (#1990-272), October 9, 1990, CLEAT endorsement (#1990-272), October 1990, Dallas Times Herald fundraiser (#1990-272), October     10, 1990
Abilene fundraiser (#1990-109), May 25, 1990, Wedding Palo Duro (#1990-109), May 26, 1990
Acree, Fred, papers
An Act, Public Law 92-582, October 27, 1972
Adams, Walter Dickson, papers
Address and wax seal for letter from Stephen F. Austin to Thomas F. Learning
Address by Representative Sam Rayburn of Texas, made over a National Broadcasting Company network Friday night, August 30, 1935