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Article from unknown source, but probably Daily Texan: "Labor Shortage Makes Sex Equality Probably"
Article: "WAAC Recruiters Coming: Lt. Kelly Will Detail Expanded Corps Plan"
Article: "War Work Supervisor Explains How Co-Eds Can Get War Training And Stay in College at Same Time"
Article: "WAVE to Interview Co-Eds on Saturday"
Article: "Women Ferry Pilots and Instructors Needed in Wartime, Says Flier"
Background material for Main University Advisory Council 75th Year Observance
Clipping from the Daily Texan: "Frat Leaders Seek To End Hazing As Victory Measure"
Clipping from the Daily Texan: "Health Center Needs Interest"
Committee of 75 Plan of Action
Daily Texan article: "Restless Co-Eds Want More Serious War Work"
Daily Texan coverage of peace march
"It Is Done at The University of Texas – Prepared for Freshmen Women by  the Upperclass Advisers of the Dormitories – 1938-1939"
Leaflet handed out by UT Ad Hoc Strike Committee
Office of the Chancellor – Main University Newsletter, Vol. IV, #5
Official List of Boarding and Lodging Accommodations for Women Students, Long Session 1949-1950
Press release: entering freshmen class had highest academic record of any new class in UT history
Press release: program in counseling psychology and behavioral studies being established
Press release: "The Education of Women for Social and Political Leadership" symposium
Program for The Education of Women For Social and Political Leadership Symposium
Recommendations to enforce University regulations on sororities and fraternities