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Article: "Things going according to plan for 1st female student president"
Brief Report on the Nature and Functions of the University of Texas Sports Association
Brochure with floor plans for the Women's Physical Education Building at The University of Texas at Austin,
Clipping from the Daily Texan: "Orange Jackets Select Initiates"
Clothing patch for the Triggerettes, women¹s rifle club, undated
Constitution and By-Laws of the University Ladies' Club
Constitution and By-Laws of the University Ladies' Club
Cover of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women at UT Academic Support Program Handbook
Cover of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women at UT Academic Support Program Handbook
Cover of program for The University of Texas Sports Association and Women's Intramural Schedule
Flier announcing Sonja Hogg has accepted the position of Assistant Athletics Director
Flier for Take Back the Night rally, vigil, and march
Front and back cover of program for the 17th Annual Convention of the Texas Recreational Federation of College Women, at the Women's Gymnasium at The University of Texas
Group of ladies at Tee Club practice, undated
Group shot of UT Turtle Club
Intramural Committee, 1934-1935
"It Is Done at The University of Texas – Prepared for Freshmen Women by  the Upperclass Advisers of the Dormitories – 1938-1939"
Letter and report regarding the University of Texas Sports Association, sponsored by the Department of Physical Training for Women
Letter from Anna Hiss regarding building and construction needs of the department
Letter from Anna Hiss regarding the University of Texas Sports Association