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(21 - 33 of 33)
Professors Edmondson, Hamrick, and Vick, along with others in the foyer. (25)
Refreshment table. (28)
Refreshment table. (31)
Refreshment table. President Spurr at the left. Professor Sudershan of Physics, and Professors Cheney, Lacey, and Walston can be seen in the crowd, and Professor Dicke of Princeton is in right center. (23)
Regent Ed Clark and Austinite Eddit [Eddie?] Joseph at the Refreshment Table, Professor Walston at the left and Professor David M. Young
Regent Ed Clark and others. (22)
Regent Frank C. Erwin Jr. of the University of Texas System at the microphone, with audience in the background. (18)
Regent Frank C. Erwin, Jr. of the University of Texas System at the microphone with Mrs. Lucille Whyburn seated at the left. (19)
Regent Frank C. Erwin of the University of Texas System at the microphone with platform guests and some of the audience. (7)
Stage view: President Stephen H. Spurr at microphone. Seated, left to right, front row: Professor Harlan J. Smith, Chairman of the Department of Astronomy, Professor F. W De Wette, Chairman of the Department of Physics, Vice Chancellor E. D. Walker
The U.T. Tower in the distance. (27)
View of guests. (24)
View of guests. (26)