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[?] Huang
Auburn [Alabama] Group
Group Photo at University of St. Andrews, July 1980
Group Photo at University of St. Andrews, July 1980
Identification Chart in reference to the Group photo (e_ph_07067a)
Identification Chart in reference to the Group photo (e_ph_08242a)
List of the names of people in the Group Photo (e_ph_07067a)
List of the names of people in the Group Photo (e_ph_08242a)
Phogotraph of [Victor?] Lidsky
Phoograph of Paul Eklof
Photogaph of David Epstein and Colin Caldwell
Photogaph of H. Chandler "Chan" Davis
Photogaraph of IMS meeing
Photogaraph of IMS meeing
Photogaraph of IMS meeing
Photogaraph of IMS meeing
Photogaraph of IMS meeing
Photogaraph of IMS meeing
Photogaraph of IMS meeing
Photogaraph of IMS meeing