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At the back. Fritz John, Truesdell, ? woman, Mme Oudart, Oudart
At the château of Vaison-la-Romaine (cold weather). C. Truesdell III with C. Truesdell IV
Audience in a classroom
Brezis, Joseph (Daniel D.)
C. A. T. [C. A. Truesdell] III, Institute of Mathematics
C. A. Truesdell
C. A. Truesdell III with his mother's first car, a Franklin in front of his grandparents' house at 1984 Oak St.
C. A. Truesdell lecturing
C. A. Truesdell, Oxford, near the house where he and his mother lived for a few months
[C. A. Truesdell] with two benchmen at the meeting of the GAMM
C. T. III with C. T. IV at Hintergarten
C. Truesdell and his cat, Cesky [?], in the garden of the house owned by Selfrida Fowler, where he and his mother lived at the end of their stay in Oxford.
C. Truesdell in 1969 photographed by himself in his study at il Palazzetto, Baltimore, before that room was provided with a permanent bookcase, portal, and pilasters in green parcel gilt.
Capt. C. A. T. [Truesdell], executive officer, R. O. T. C., Los Angeles High School
Clifford A. Truesdell 3rd, Age 3 or 4 years
Clifford A. Truesdell delighted to be in Paris again, after eleven years.
Clifford A. Truesdell III--Aged 5 or 6?
Clifford A. Truesdell III. Drawing by Naomi Holt Curtis, done in Washington, summer 1959
Clifford A. Truesdell III, in 1949, spring, passport photograph for the trip to [illegible] at the Sorbonne
Clifford A. Truesdell III in front of the house at 2200 Third Avenue, Los Angeles, built by my grandfather, Mark Walker, Jr.