Search results

(1 - 20 of 187)
A&M (#1990-269), October 9, 1990
A&M (#1990-270), October 9, 1990
A&M (#1990-271), October 9, 1990
A&M (#1990-272), October 9, 1990, CLEAT endorsement (#1990-272), October 1990, Dallas Times Herald fundraiser (#1990-272), October     10, 1990
Abilene fundraiser (#1990-109), May 25, 1990, Wedding Palo Duro (#1990-109), May 26, 1990
After Dallas debate (#1990-43), March 2, 1990
Ann on plane (#1990-55), March 1990, Office staff (#1990-55), March 1990
Ann Richards, Janet Reno, and Molly Ivins at a table
Austin early vote rally (#1990-298), October 20, 1990
Austin early vote rally (#1990-299), October 20, 1990
Beaumont (#1990-302), October 21, 1990, Port Arthur (#1990-302), October 21, 1990
Beaumont (#1990-303), October 21, 1990, Fannett (#1990-303), October 21, 1990
Beaumont (#1990-304), October 21, 1990, Fannett (#1990-304), October 21, 1990
Beaumont (#1990-305), October 21, 1990
Beaumont (#1990-306), October 21, 1990
Beaumont (#1990-307), October 21, 1990
Betty McKool (#1990-80), April 8, 1990, Press plane (#1990-80), April 8, 1990
Campaign staff (#1990-312), October 22, 1990
Campaign staff (#1990-316), October 23, 1990, TV spot Bryker Woods (#1990-316), October 24, 1990
Capitol (#1990-404), November 7, 1990