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(1 - 20 of 15,584)
A  typical house
1125 Linea
128th Coast Artillery Corps, guard mount, July 18, 1914
128th Coast Artillery Corps, retreat, June 20, 1914
16 Mercoles
16 Mercoles
164th Coast Artillery Corps, guard mount, June 1914
170th Coast Artillery Corps, guard mount, July 1914
170th Coast Artillery Corps, guard mount, June 1914
170th Coast Artillery Corps, inspection, June 20, 1914
170th Coast Artillery Corps, retreat, June 19, 1914
1968, Mood of the country
1968, Mood of the country
1984 Democratic National Convention
1984 Democratic National Convention
1984 Democratic National Convention
1984 Democratic National Convention
1984 Democratic National Convention
1984 Democratic National Convention
1984 Democratic National Convention