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(1 - 20 of 381)
2000 Alta Vista; 2000 Alta Vista
92 St. Y New York, NY Singles Courtesy Tape; 92 St. Y New York, NY Singles Courtesy Tape
92 St. Y New York, NY Singles Courtesy Tape; 92 St. Y New York, NY Singles Courtesy Tape
Adams, Eddie, photographic archive
Al Neuharth, chairman of Gannett with logo of new newspaper (USA Today)
Al Pacino and Marthe Keller at the AFI Gala, March 1978
Al Pacino and Marthe Keller at the AFI Gala, March 1978
Alice Rivlin
"Alienated Students: A New Breed of Angry Young Man" article
"Alienated Students: Maria Has ’No Place to Run’" article
"Alienated Students: Model Student Until Haircut Issue Grew" article
Ann Richards, Janet Reno, and Molly Ivins at a table
Anwar Sadat close up portrait
Apple HQ
Apple HQ
Apple HQ
Assorted assignments
Ball State Women's Lecture; Ball State Women's Lecture
Bentley, PF, photographic archive
Bill Moyers