Search results

(21 - 40 of 409)
Billboard, no. 16618; Interstate Theater
Billboard, no. 16618; Interstate Theater
"Blockade" promos, exterior of Main Street, nos. 2935 & 2959; Metro Theater
Bluebonnet Theater (for Interstate), no. 1462; Bluebonnet Theater
Bluebonnet Theater (for Interstate), no. 1462; Bluebonnet Theater
Bluebonnet Theater (for Interstate), no. 1462; Bluebonnet Theater
[Bluebonnet Theater], no. 5764; 1998 calendar cover negatives [March]
Candy Counter, no. 13500; Loew's Theater
Candy Counter, no. 13500; Loew's Theater
Celebration for Lone Star Ranger, no. 5612; Kirby Theater
Celebration for Lone Star Ranger, no. 5612; Kirby Theater
Celebration for Lone Star Ranger, no. 5612; Kirby Theater
Children, no. 1253; Delman Theater
City Auditorium interior, no. 1845; City Auditorium
City Auditorium interior, no. 1845; City Auditorium
City Auditorium, no. 1864-w1; 2000 calendar cover negatives [October]
Coliseum and Music Hall; Downtown Buildings
Coliseum; Buildings
Coliseum showing tables set for Houston Chamber of Commerce banquet, no. 1173; Downtown Buildings
Coliseum showing tables set for Houston Chamber of Commerce banquet, no. 1173; Downtown Buildings