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(1 - 20 of 162)
Photograph of a guard and a line of prisoners, September 1995
Photograph of a housing unit for prisoners and the Limestone Correctional Facility, September 1995
Photograph of a line of prisoners and a guard in the background, September 1995
Photograph of a line of prisoners, September 1995
Photograph of a line of prisoners walking near a fence, September 1995
Photograph of a live music performance during the May Day protests, May 1, 1971
Photograph of a man on a tractor driving past Jimmy Carter's presidential campaign headquarters in Plains, Georgia, June 12, 1976
Photograph of a prisoner holding the New Testament, September 1995
Photograph of a prisoner reading a newspaper, September 1995
Photograph of a protester at an anti-nuclear demonstration in Washington, D.C., 1979
Photograph of a protester during the Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam, November 15, 1969
Photograph of a protester in front of the White House during the Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam, November 15, 1969
Photograph of a veteran protesting the Vietnam War, April 21, 1971
Photograph of a Vietnam War protester, April 24, 1971
Photograph of a Vietnam War protester, April 24, 1971
Photograph of a Vietnam War protester being arrested by the police, May 30, 1970
Photograph of a Vietnam War veteran on crutches at a gathering to protest the Vietnam War, April 24, 1971
Photograph of Alex Haley, February 23, 1977
Photograph of Alex Haley, February 23, 1977
Photograph of Anwar Sadat, Jimmy Carter, and Menachem Begin in front of the White House signing the Israel-Egypt peace treaty, March 26, 1979