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(1 - 20 of 147)
ADP Equipment, Hearings, Government Ops, 89th Congress, Ist Session on 4845, March 3, 1965
ADP Hearings photo of Jack Brooks, Dante Fascell, Edmund Buckley, Edward Gurney, March 31, 1965
Armed Forces Comptroller, Article by Congressman Jack Brooks, April 1, 1966
Article by Congressman Jack Brooks, March 16, 1966
Article, undated
Bill H.R. 404, January 3, 1969
Brooks introduces legislation to improve federal policymaking regarding computers, February 17, 1972
Business Week Article, October 23, 1971
Closing Statement by Congressman Jack Brooks, July 20, 1967
Computer World Newsweekly photograph of Jack Brooks taken by Alan Taylor, January 31, 1968
Computerworld Newspaper Article, February 2, 1972
Conference overview by Ruth M. Davis, November 19, 1973
Congressional News Release, February 19, 1987
Congressional News Release, February 26, 1987
Congressional Press Release, April 18, 1969
Congressional Press Release, April 23, 1969
Congressional Press Release, April 5, 1965
Congressional Press Release, August 12, 1965
Congressional Press Release, August 3, 1965
Congressional Press Release, December 21, 1967