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(21 - 40 of 123)
Cover of program for The University of Texas Longhorn Band Valentine's Day Concert
"Gussie Oscar Dies at Waco; Friend of Stage Greats"
Hats Off to Armadillo
Joanna Lesley
John A. Lomax featured in a pioneer mural for the Lubbock telephone directory cover
John A. Lomax Jr.
John A. Lomax Jr.
John A. Lomax Jr.
John A. Lomax Sr.
John A. Lomax Sr.
John A. Lomax Sr.
John A. Lomax Sr.
John A. Lomax Sr.
John A. Lomax Sr.
John A. Lomax Sr. and Alan Lomax
John A. Lomax Sr. and Alan Lomax
John A. Lomax Texas State Historical Marker
John A. Lomax with Ruby Terrill
John and Ruby Terrill Lomax on their wedding day
John Lomax Jr. and Mance Lipscomb