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(61 - 80 of 165)
[Goldwater supporters]
Governor Allan Shivers and friends, 1954
Gubernatoral candidate Henry Gonzalez with supporters, 1958
Hillary Clinton [at House Impeachment Hearings for Nixon]
Humphrey, Johnson and Yarborough, Austin, 1964
Iran - Contra
Iran - Contra
Iran - Contra
Iran - Contra
Iran - Contra
Iran - Contra
Iran - Contra
Iran - Contra
Iran - Contra
James Watt, Secretary of the Interior, July 5, 1982
Janet Reno testifies
Jim Wright, Sam Rayburn, Price Daniel, John Kennedy, LBJ campaigning in Texas, 1960
John Connally
John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson campaign in Texas, September 1960
Judge Antonin Scalia