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(321 - 340 of 343)
Rev. Jesse Jackson leads Washington Rainbow Coalition rally; for Time; January 19, 1985
Rev. Jesse Jackson leads Washington Rainbow Coalition rally; for Time; January 19, 1985
SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) march to the Capitol building.
SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) march to the Capitol building.
SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) march to the Capitol building.
SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) march to the Capitol building.
SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) march to the Capitol building.
SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) march to the Capitol building.
SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) march to the Capitol building.
Soviet invasion in Czech Slovakia, Czech Student demonstration
Statement of E. B. P. (Dean Price, Associate Dean of Students)
Statement of Lawrence T. Franks, Assistant Dean of Students and Dean of Men
Student Mobilization Committee to end the War in Vietnam – Flier
Students with signs on campus (Vietnam protest)
Tag for the Women Strike for Peace protest
The Texas Observer, featuring article on the integration dispute at UT
"Thousands take to streets to protest war, violence" – Kent State Protest
Two-sided flier/info sheet – Yippie? 'Bust' II
University of Texas Residence Halls Bulletin
UT News and Information Service – News Bureau release