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(41 - 60 of 64)
Letter with appendix from members of the UT Law faculty to UT President Smiley
Letters between UT President and J. R. Smiley as response to letter of Professor Benjamin F. Wright
Memo from Betty Anne Thedford to Harry H. Ransom regarding student housing and intercollegiate athletics
Nancy McMeans Richey oral history
Nancy McMeans Richey oral history
Nancy McMeans Richey oral history
Notes from a University of Texas administrative council meeting, January 13, 1958
Official notice of an action taken at a meeting of the Board of Regents
Pamiel Johnson Gaskin oral history
Pamiel Johnson Gaskin oral history
Pamiel Johnson Gaskin oral history
Pamiel Johnson Gaskin oral history
Photostat of a news clipping from French newspaper Les Echos
Record of the events of October 21 having to do with the placing of several "Negro" students on probation
Reply letter from Dean of Engineering W. W. Hagerty to UT President Dr. J. R. Smiley
Report of R. L. Montgomery, Jr., UT Department of English, to Dean Barnett
Report of R. L. Montgomery, Jr., UT Department of English, to Dean Barnett
Resolution endorsed by the UT Law Faculty
Resolution of the General Faculty for an upcoming meeting
Response of Glenn E. Barnett, Dean of Students, to Dr. R. L. Montgomery, Jr.