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(61 - 80 of 146)
Clinton in Manila [T 165266]
Clintons-Africa tour
Clintons-Africa tour
Colin Powell, NSC head, delivers speech on Russian summit and strategy to Atlantic Alliance
G7 Summit in Japan
G7 Summit in Japan
G7 Summit in Japan
G7 Summit in Japan
George H. W. and Barbara Bush on tour of Middle East
George H. W. and Barbara Bush on tour of Middle East
George H. W. and Barbara Bush on tour of Middle East
George H. W. and Barbara Bush on tour of Middle East
George H. W. and Barbara Bush on tour of Middle East
Gorbachev in Cuba [GL 059670]
Gorbachev in Cuba [GL 059670]
Gorbachev in Cuba [GL 059670]
Guatemala earthquake [T 33527]
Guatemala Earthquake [T 33527]
Guatemala Earthquake [T 33527]
Hillary Clinton meets Kabuki troupe [T 148435, GC 163954]