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(1 - 20 of 74)
Article from unknown source, but probably Daily Texan: "Labor Shortage Makes Sex Equality Probably"
Article: "Things going according to plan for 1st female student president"
Article: "WAAC Recruiters Coming: Lt. Kelly Will Detail Expanded Corps Plan"
Article: "War Work Supervisor Explains How Co-Eds Can Get War Training And Stay in College at Same Time"
Article: "WAVE to Interview Co-Eds on Saturday"
Article: "Women Ferry Pilots and Instructors Needed in Wartime, Says Flier"
Brochure for First Annual Lesbian and Gay Awareness Week
Brochure for the Texas Association of Women Deans and Counselors Summer Work Conference at UT
Brochure for the UT Pride and Equity Faculty-Staff Association (PEFSA)
Clipping from OurCampus: "Pride & Equity advocates for GLBT rights, acceptance"
Clipping from the Daily Texan: "Orange Jackets Select Initiates"
Clipping from the Daily Texan: "Pride and equity progress report"
Clipping from the Daily Texan: "Report calls for same-sex benefits"
Committee on the Status of Women materials
Constitution and By-Laws of the University Ladies' Club
Constitution and By-Laws of the University Ladies' Club
Correspondence re: including "sexual orientation" in UT's Statement on Equal Educational Opportunity, August 1985
Council on the Status of Women and Minorities Mid-year progress report for 1974-75
Daily Texan article: "Faculty Women Honor Students: Club to Entertain Senior and Graduate Women Thursday, 4 to 6"
Daily Texan article: "Restless Co-Eds Want More Serious War Work"