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(1 - 20 of 31)
200 ROTC protestors damage halls, windows
Afghanistan: long bloody conflict
Afghanistan: the USSR's Vietnam-like war that has become a major nightmare
Americans 'Underground' in Afghanistan
Antiwar speakers differ on strategies
Brzezinski nearly shot
Concern is voiced over global lending
Dow chairman dreams of an island where business does as it pleases
Islam & the superpowers
Lust for consumer goods becomes insatiable
Mao rural socialism on way out
Modernisation coin has a flip-side too
Modernisation, the challenged drive
Modernization lifting China's straightjacket
Mujahideens scatter as red grip tightens
Multinationals—island unto themselves?
New American outpost in China
New York's newest gurus
Pakistan's Zia: Soviet thrust creates man of the hour
Pitfalls of China's modernisation