Search results

(1 - 20 of 168)
Photograph of a car driving through the Rosebud Reservation
Photograph of a car driving through the Rosebud Reservation
Photograph of a child flying a kite
Photograph of a child on the Rosebud Reservation
Photograph of a child on the Rosebud Reservation
Photograph of a church
Photograph of a crowd carrying a casket
Photograph of a doctor examining a child
Photograph of a doctor examining a child
Photograph of a drum circle
Photograph of a family on the Rosebud Reservation
Photograph of a family on the Rosebud Reservation
Photograph of a family on the Rosebud Reservation
Photograph of a family on the Rosebud Reservation
Photograph of a hearing at the Rosebud Trial Court
Photograph of a man on the Rosebud Reservation
Photograph of a Palestinian elder
Photograph of a Palestinian girl crying in the street
Photograph of a Palestinian man being arrested by Israeli soldiers
Photograph of a Palestinian man being arrested by Israeli soldiers