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(1 - 20 of 84)
Admiral Hyman Rickover, father of the nuclear navy
Al Neuharth, chairman of Gannett with logo of new newspaper (USA Today)
Anne Burford Gorsuch
Barry Bosworth, Charles Schultze, Alfred Kahn
Benjamin Weir, September 1985
Brigadier General Gordon R. Sullivan at Fort Knox
Brigadier General Gordon R. Sullivan at Fort Knox
Burial of unknown Vietnam soldier
Burial of unknown Vietnam soldier
Caspar Weinberger and Supreme Court
Caspar Weinberger and Supreme Court
Clarence Bullock and Ladell Johnson give classes to prison inmates
Col. Oliver North, at lawyer
(Edward) Ted Kennedy, 1980 New York Democratic Convention
(Edward) Ted Kennedy, 1980 New York Democratic Convention
(Edward) Ted Kennedy, Cambodia Hearing, October 31, 1979
Gary Hart - senator (D-CO)
General Charles May, Jr., briefing on the MX Missile
George H. W. Bush
George McGovern - senator