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(1 - 20 of 48)
"Adlai's Highbrow Talks Worry Staff"
"Aims of Industrial Society No Longer Satisfying"
Campaign receipts through August 24, 1946
The Center Program
Certificate on John Dos Passos' "U.S.A."
Complaint to J. R. Parten about Clarence Ayres' speech about income tax
"Conference on World Peace"
Correspondence between J.R. Parten and the Dies Committee
Cover of "Embers of the World"
Cover of March 13, 1968 Texas AFL-CIO News
"Demise of the Center"
"Educator officially announces new posts for Moos"
For Release to Madisonville Meteor
The Fund for the Republic, June 1956 Bulletin
The Inauguration of Homer Price Rainey
Inauguration of Homer Price Rainey As President of The University of Texas
Invitation to the Inauguration of Kennedy and Johnson
"Judge, Rapoport Blast Brilab Tactics"
"Kennedy vs. Nixon Fight Furiously to Bitter End"
Letter and clipping from Homer Rainey to J.R. Parten