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(1 - 20 of 61)
Aug-89 [Richard Cheney]
Aug-89 [Richard Cheney]
Aug-89 [Richard Cheney]
Aug-89 [Richard Cheney]
Aug-89 [Richard Cheney]
Carter, 1977-1978, undated [Thanksgiving turkey]
Christmas carols at the White House, 1965
Clinton with Benazir Bhutto at the White House
Dalai Lama at the White House
Demonstrations - Mid East
Demonstrations - Mid East
Demonstrations - Mid East
Demonstrations - Mid East
Demonstrations, Miscellaneous [at the White House]
Demonstrations, Miscellaneous [Postal workers]
Demonstrators supporting Israeli Prime Minister Netanya
Demonstrators supporting Israeli Prime Minister Netanya
James Baker, Dick Cheney
John Connally, US Secretary of Treasury
John Connally, US Secretary of Treasury, at IMF meeting