Search results

(1 - 20 of 106)
Angleton, property with lines, no. 6023; Industrial- Houston Lighting and Power
Angleton, property with lines, no. 6023; Industrial- Houston Lighting and Power
Angleton, property with lines, no. 6023; Industrial- Houston Lighting and Power
Angleton, property with lines, no. 6023; Industrial- Houston Lighting and Power
Angleton, property with lines, no. 6023; Industrial- Houston Lighting and Power
[Appliance display], no. 2117; Stores-Foley's
[Appliances], no. 10212; Houston Housing Authority
[Appliances], no. 10212; Houston Housing Authority
[Appliances], no. 10212; Houston Housing Authority
[Appliances], no. 10212; Houston Housing Authority
[Appliances], no. 10212; Houston Housing Authority
[Appliances], no. 10212; Houston Housing Authority
[Appliances], no. 10212; Houston Housing Authority
[Appliances], no. 10212; Houston Housing Authority
[Display], no. 2117; Stores-Foley's
[Display]; Stores-Foley's
Equipment, no. 50030-13; Industrial-ACS Industries
Ewald Construction Company Bulldozer (annual)
Fallen lines with wires on South Main, no. 6870; Industrial- Hou
Fallen lines with wires on South Main, no. 6870; Industrial- Hou