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(1 - 17 of 17)
1984 GOP [Republican] Convention [Bob Dole]
Clinton State of the Union Speech
HBG receiving Profiles in Courage Award
Henry B. Gonzalez and wife, Bertha, at HemisFair '68
Henry B. Gonzalez Appreciation Dinner
Henry B. Gonzalez Day at HemisFair
Henry B. Gonzalez Day at HemisFair '68
Henry B.  Gonzalez receiving San Antonio award
Henry B. Gonzalez speaking at rally in front of the Alamo
Henry B. Gonzalez visits Fort Sam Houston
July 1988 Democratic Convention
July 1988 Democratic Convention [Ann Richards]
July 1988 Democratic Convention [Jesse Jackson]
Miscellaneous Kennedy [includes Ted Kennedy and Jimmy Carter]
Tribute to Heroes of Independence
Yasser Arafat, Benjamin Netanyahu, King Hussein, Bill Clinton