Search results

(1 - 20 of 39)
Bush at Earth Summit [GL 137674]
Bush at United Nations Children [GC 078641]
Bush in China [T 110828]
Bush in Korea [T 110829]
Bush in Korea [T 110829]
Bush in Somalia
Bush meets with Contra leaders [GC 064243]
Bush's official visit to Australia [128415]
Bush's official visit to Australia [128415]
Bush's official visit to Australia [128415]
Clinton at APEC Summit [T 165323]
Clinton in Manila [T 165266]
Clintons-Africa tour
G7 Summit in Japan
George H. W. and Barbara Bush on tour of Middle East
George H. W. and Barbara Bush on tour of Middle East
Hillary Clinton meets Kabuki troupe [T 148435, GC 163954]
Hillary Clinton meets Kabuki troupe [T 148435, GC 163954]
Hillary Clinton meets Kabuki troupe [T 148435, GC 163954]
Nixon in China: press and miscellaneous