Search results

(1 - 20 of 701)
\A Picnic with the President" sponsored by unidentified factory [T 86878]""
\A Picnic with the President" sponsored by unidentified factory [T 86878]""
\A Picnic with the President" sponsored by unidentified factory [T 86878]""
1976 Contest, includes Ford
1976 Contest, includes Ford
1976 Contest, includes Ford
1976 Contest, includes Ford
1976 Contest, includes Ford
1976 Contest, includes Ford
Annoucement of Baker as Chief as Staff
Anti-tax demonstrators [GL 080208]
B&W 35mm Negatives: Various Subjects Folder 1
B&W 35mm Negatives: Various Subjects Folder 1
Barbara Bush-file, from Dallas speech [GL 117722]
Barbara Bush-file, from Dallas speech [GL 117722]
Barbara Bush-file, from Dallas speech [GL 117722]
Barbara Bush-file, from Dallas speech [GL 117722]
Bentson speaking at White House press conference [T 153341]
Bill and Hillary Clinton  [T 156231]