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(1 - 20 of 26)
A. H. Stone
Alan Cranston at campaign event
Ben Fitzpatrick, Auburn University
Carroll Bandy
Congratulations message
Jerry Schatzberg, Kitty Winn, Joan Didion, and Dominick Dunne
John Slye
Kitty Winn and Al Pacino
The Kruskal Papers; Multi-Dimensional Scaling; Multi-Dimensional Scaling; Rotate
Margaret Key Moore with children of her nephew Lawrence
Mary Ellen Rudin and Bruce Treybig
Nell Stevenson
Phil Zenor
Photograph of Bass Hyman
Photograph of Bertram "Bert" Kostant, Matthew Gaffney, and Richard Dudley
Photograph of David Drasin
Photograph of Frances Farenthold with members of the "Dirty 30"
Photograph of Gerald and Helen Huff and Joyce Callison
Photograph of Haskell Cohen and Ruth Maulucci
Photograph of Max Zorn