Search results

(1 - 20 of 64)
Al Neuharth, chairman of Gannett with logo of new newspaper (USA Today)
Ambulance at KNUZ; Radio and television
Ambulance at KNUZ; Radio and television
Barbara Walters
Bobbie, Lou, & Cal
Caricature of Dominick Dunne
Clinton White House photographer Bob McNeely
Clinton White House photographer Bob McNeely in his office
Clinton White House photographer Bob McNeely in his office
Dick Schapp
Dominique Dunne
Eddie Adams
Eddie Adams
Eddie Adams at a tribute to dead photographers
Eddie Adams in Thailand
Fragment from Dominick Dunne’s journal
KHOU-TV, no. 30760; Radio and television
KHOU-TV, no. 30760; Radio and television
KHOU-TV, no. 30760; Radio and television
KHOU-TV, no. 30760; Radio and television