Teaching High School Mathematics; First Course; Punctuation and Conventions in Mathematics Part 1: Punctuation; Teaching High School Mathematics; First Course; Punctuation and Conventions in Mathematics Part 1: Punctuation

  • Title Card: Teaching High School Mathematics: First Course
  • Title Cards: [Ambiguous Signs]
  • Title Card: [Arraignment of seats in one classroom]
  • Title Card: [Arraignment of seats in another classroom]
  • Title Cards: [How many seats are in each room]
  • Title Card: Punctuation and Conventions in Mathematics Part I: PunctuationThis Film is Background for: Numbers and Numerals e_mb_0046, e_mb_0001 Isomorphism: Developing the Concept e_mb_0005, e_mb_0006
  • Title Card: 10th Lesson of a 166 Lesson Course [Max Beberman teaching math concepts to schoolchildren]
  • Title Card: Later you will see more of Lesson 10, and scenes from Lesson 12. This film also includes part of a Mathematics Institute Class.
  • Title Card: Lesson 10 [Max Beberman teaching math concepts to schoolchildren]
  • Title Card: What takes the place of punctuation in speech?
  • Title Card: The Mathematics Institute Class [taught by Max Beberman]
  • Title Card: Lesson 12 [Max Beberman teaching math concepts to schoolchildren]
  • Title Card: Consider these expressions: (+3) + (-2) (-4) x (-5) (+7) / (-1) Are they nouns? Or, are they commands?
  • Title Card: The Mathematics Institute Class [taught by Max Beberman]
  • Title Card: Lesson 12 [Max Beberman teaching math concepts to schoolchildren]
  • Next Film is this Series: Punctuation and Conventions in Mathematics Part II: Conventions e_mb_0008
  • Credits [Title cards] Instructor: Max Beberman
  • Narrator: Mark Anderson
  • Produced by the University of Illinois Committee on School Mathematics
  • with grants from the National Science Foundation and the US Office of Education
  • Project Director: Max Beberman; Content Director: Gertrude Hendrix; Asst. Content Director: Jesse Orvedahl; Film Director: Byrl Sims; New Series Staff: Mark Anderson, Martin Fass, Wesley Faulkner, James W. Hall, Robert LA Gow; First Series Staff: Stanley Follis, John Werner; Classroom furniture courtesy of Brunswick