Teaching High School Mathematics; First Course; Basic Principles for Real Numbers Part IV Discovery and Patterns; Teaching High School Mathematics; First Course; Basic Principles for Real Numbers Part IV Discovery and Patterns

  • Title Card: Teaching High School Mathematics: First Course
  • Title Card: Basic Principles for Real Numbers Part IV Discovery and Patterns
  • Title Card: Films for Background Numbers and Numerals e_mb_0046, e_mb_0001 Punctuation and Conventions in Mathematics e_mb_0007, e_mb_0008 Basic Principles for Real Number Part I, Part II and Part III e_mb_0015; e_mb_0016
  • Title Card: Discovery and Patterns. The teacher [Max Beberman] talks with a Mathematics Institute Class
  • Title Card: 2 x 13 + 18 x 13
  • Title Cards: [Math expression for simplification. Workbook problems #1-22]
  • Title Card: What classroom activities are appropriate for practicing the use of a newly discovered principle?
  • Title Card: Are these sentences instances of the same principle? (5 + 8) + 4 = 5 + (8 + 4) 5 + (8 + 4) = (5 + 8) + 4
  • Title Card: [Math Problems]
  • Title Card: 7 x 3 + 7 x 2 = 7 x (3 + 2)
  • Title Card: Vx VyVz (x + y) z = xz + yz VxVyVz z(x + y) = zx + zy
  • Title Card: The teacher [Max Beberman] continues his talk with the Mathematics Institute Class
  • Title Card: This Film is Background for: Numerical Variables: Developing the Concept Bound Variables: Developing the Concept Prelude to Deduction Substitution and the Linking Rule Prelude to Proof-Making Proving Generalizations Principles and Discovery in Algebraic Manipulation
  • Credits [Title cards] Instructor: Max Beberman
  • Produced by the University of Illinois Committee on School Mathematics
  • with grants from the National Science Foundation and the US Office of Education
  • Project Director: Max Beberman; Content Director: Gertrude Hendrix; Asst. Content Director: Jesse Orvedahl; Film Director: Byrl Sims
  • New Series Staff: Martin Fass, Wesley Faulkner, James W. Hall, Robert LA Gow; First Series Staff: Stanley Follis, John Werner; Classroom furniture courtesy of Brunswick